
Diaplasi is a project running under an ERDF EU fund “Research-Create-Innovate” in partnership with Optotech and the ophthalmologic clinic Emmetropia.

It is a software system that includes:

  • a desktop application, where users run reading tests and eye-tracking data are collected.
  • an online CMS for managing users and their reports.
  • an online back-end system for administrators to manage the data collected as well as the results from the analists.
  • a central database together with a REST API with which all other applications communicate with.

The project includes:

  • analysis of available technologies
  • user requirements
  • use cases
  • user interface design
  • systems design and software design of all subsystems
  • software development of the applications
  • release and management of the system

it is being developed in close collaboration with Optotech and Emmetropia.